Devine Haley's Comet

Haley is our first Morgan horse. She has traveled across the country with our moves and has overcome a lot along the way. Haley is not delicate but a solid loving mare. She has been our inspiration to start our own Morgan herd.
Bar Non Suedes Opal
Opal came to us as a weanling. She was the sweetest and easiest baby to handle and train. As she has matured, she has continued to be the most calm and laid back mare. Opal gets along with all the horses as well as people. She is definitely a favorite on the ranch.

One Day Morning Mist

Misty has been a fun addition to our herd. She has a very unique personality with many interesting quirks. Misty lets us know when she is ready to eat then is always the first one to get to the food. She is very loving and always ready for any sort of attention that she can get.

NHR Scarlet Moon
Moon is the most recent addition to the herd. She brings new bloodlines with a lot of big movement and style. She is more refined with a very pretty head. Moon reminds me a lot of the first horse, Ginger, that was my mom's horse. This makes Moon a little extra special.
Color: E/e A/a N/Cr